Dear Preparatory Year Students,
Finally, let me introduce to you the new LMS. The Learning Management System (LMS) provides educators across all levels with a highly functional, flexible, and interoperable digital learning solution through open-source technology. The platform was customized by me in one day, so there are many things to do during these days. You may not find much material here, but we will populate the portal until the end of the week. In the meantime, sign in and stay tuned.Students are required to use the following pattern to access the LMS
LMS Student Credentials Pattern
Username: [student
Password: [(capital letter) student id]+[#polito]+[first
capital letter of your Name]+[first capital letter of your Surname]
e.g., Jaloliddin Yusupov s210746
Username: u210746
Password: U210746#politoJY